Not a restful Sunday

It’s been a busy, tiring morning.

The day so far

Woke up at 6:30 with plans of curling up with coffee, and the book I’m reading (Anita & me, by Meera Syal).

I’ve done everything but that.

Made coffee, caught up on email, news, greader, and Instagram.
Read the Ulysses a couple more times.
Copied and pasted Ulysses here on SpkEasy.

Took Chewie for a short walk.
At turnaround point, he indicated he wasn’t ready to go back. So made it a slightly longer walk.

Returned home, freshened up, fried eggs for breakfast. Gave him his second breakfast.

Washed of dirty exercise clothes.

Emptied the dishwasher. Restacked the dishwasher. Hand washed a few of the dishes in the sink.

Mowed both the lawns. Spent as much time cleaning the mud and grass collecting around the blades, as doing the actual mowing. Had planned 40 mins. Took 1 hour 40 🙁

Now, sitting with my treat – a glass of cold, full fat milk, and a Madeleine.

Continue reading Not a restful Sunday

I broke myself

It felt good.

3 act Wednesday - run intervals, swim & gym
3 act Wednesday – run intervals, swim & gym

I could barely walk last night. Raghs had to drag me in from the sofa to the bed. I’m still sore, after 8 hours of good sleep.

I’m also happy. Body is clearly getting into good shape if I could still stand after doing all three activities well1 (and about 6 focused hours of work in between).

I’m happy. Hurt, and happy.

  1. Don’t judge the effort by the pace stats on the chart. It includes rest/recovery time between the intervals/laps. I don’t pause/stop the watch while resting. ↩