3 runs.
Was a bit tired on the long run this Saturday. It may have been due to overdressing (first run in a full sleeved top), or due to previous evening’s walk with Chewie, or just a need to build more stamina. Swinging arms like Philippa instructed (chest to hip) also made the left arm, in particular, hurt a fair bit by the end. It just wasn’t a happy run.
1 bike. A sub-threshold hill climbing spinning class with Julian.
3 swims. A weekly high total of 6350m. The downside was an old, inconsiderate oaf spoiling my long set on Sunday.
2 pilates, 1 yoga, 1 gym.
The gym included loads of foam rolling. Probably more than the total I’ve done in months! Still need more.
Week’s average weight dropped another few notches to 78.5kg. Hope to see it go below 78 at least once this week.
Not as many steps as last week, but still more than planned. Mostly because R was out of town for half the week again.
Was so tired by Sunday afternoon that I ended up cancelling the class I’d been waiting a month – Sunday evening yoga with Katie.
I’d toast🍻 to this week, but more recently I’ve been celebrating with cold milk and madeleine. So here’s a toast of that… 🍼🍰😁
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