Last week on Garmin

1. Run a half-marathon
2. Blog
3. Don’t be an asshole
4. Read a lot
5. Podcast
6. Don’t be an asshole despite having read a lot
7. Learn to drive
8. Write better
9. Shave more often
10. Call home more often
11. Walk Hadrian’s Wall
12. Make new real-life friends.
– Sidin, on Twitter
As new year resolution lists go, this is a really good one.
I like this even more because it makes me feel good about the number of things on that list I’ve improved on in last few months and years. Here’s some notes:
Continue reading Sidin’s 2018 resolutions…
Behavioural economics is the trillionth attempt to introduce some psychological realism into economics.
BBC’s More or Less(Richard Thaler episode)
A majority of the people who are on a gluten-free diets, do not have the celiac disease.
A majority of the people who have the celiac disease, are not on a gluten-free diet.