Convenience trumps taste

Whey protein shaken in water trumps my berries & banana smoothie with whey protein.
Fried eggs trump scrambled eggs and omelettes.

Coffee made in clever dripper trumps coffee made in Chemex.

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Attention economy – a monopoly, and my dues

The thought process that went into building these applications, Facebook being the first of them, … was all about: ‘How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?

Sean Parker, ex President at Facebook

We’re living in an attention economy, and Facebook is the (almost-)monopoly firm.

This also answers:

  1. Why I don’t use Facebook and WhatsApp?
  2. Why I’m not as active on Twitter anymore?
  3. Why I’m not proud of still being moderately active on Instagram?
  4. Why I’ve given up watching TV, at least for the time being?

If it’s an attention economy, then I want to be paid for my attention. And a dopamine shot isn’t a worthy currency for me.