It’s been a much better week – the first week since returning from India that I worked out close to targets, though still below the levels of late October.
Got in 3 running sessions – 5K on Monday with Chewie, 8K on Wednesday with both Chewie and Dudley, and a 13+K run on Saturday with Chewie. Skipped the Thursday run with Nigel with a valid reason – to go watch the new Star Wars movie 🙂
The incremental change for the week was adding a short trail climb at end of all runs – just 500m down and up the Compton downs trail. Also, I really enjoyed the Saturday run – legs and lungs felt good, and the trails – especially the Chantries woods – were beautiful!
Julian was back for Monday’s spinning session. It was my first ride back with him since late October. Painful, enjoyable, and, hopefully, fruitful.
Got in 3 swims as well. All of them were in 50m pool, and 2 of them started pre-dawn. That was the incremental change for the week – moved midday swims to early morning, when the pool is still at 50m length, and the head and body fresh. This was also the first week since October to see the total, for the week, cross 5000m.
Aside: the new swimming goggles are fine, for now. The fogging last week may have been due to improper fit.
Didn’t do any pilates this week – skipped Brenda’s class to stay and work. I did 3 sessions of yoga – club yoga with Yvette, and Thursday and Sunday yoga workouts with Katie. Loved them all!
Aside: I forgot my water bottle on the couch near the reception after my Subaru afternoon swim. Went back a couple of hours later for yoga, and the bottle was still there 🙂
As planned, increased the steps target to 11K daily. That, combined with more running meant that the week’s average daily steps were back up to pre India levels of 15K+.
Finally got some sleep back in the system. Nowhere as good and regular as pre-India trip, but it’s headed in the right direction. Averaged almost exactly the planned 7.5 hours, with only two days varying widely – one with ~6 hours, the other with ~9 hours.
Eating too improved, but not by much. Had only one mega calories day – Saturday night dinner with li’l R and her husband, went way over target. But did eat way too many carbs, particularly sugar, on most days.
The weight has stayed on a strong upward trend. All the overeating last week, sugar/carbs overdose this week, and probably solve muscle development from increased workouts ==> the week’s average weight jumped by 1Kg to above 79Kg! If it doesn’t start dropping this week, I may have to resort to some drastic measures.
Since I didn’t hit any of the targets this week, the target for next week status the same: 3 swims, 3 runs, 3 pilates/yoga, 1 spin/bike, 1 gym, 7.5+hours average sleep.
I’m quite happy looking back at this quote from last week’s post – I did hit all of those targets, except for the gym session.
(I did miss a pilates, and a planned bike roller session too, but they were above and beyond the target)
Targets for the next week stay the same: 3 each of swim and run workouts, 1 or more bike workouts, 3 pilates/yoga, and 1 gym workout. Also, plan to continue the steps streak, and improve sleeping pattern. Incremental improvement target of the week: 3 meditation sessions.
Things not on Garmin: volunteered again at the Park run on Saturday morning, and had a lovely walk with the boys in Manor copse woods.
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