The week started well – ran Monday before lunch, then attended spinning session with the club in the evening. But it went steadily downhill from there.
Just got in two runs this week – an easy one with Chewie on Monday, and a good one with Phoenix/Nigel on Thursday night. It was the first ‘effort’ run in a while, and it was interesting to note the effect in my… lower triceps! They cramped! My lower triceps cramped from running hard! 😂
Today morning was the third planned run, at the Hogs back race, but I shamelessly skipped it. The excuse was the bad weather – sub zero temperature with heavy rain and wind. The real reason was that I just couldn’t be arsed. Lack of sleep throughout the week finally caught up with me. I drank a mug of coffee at 7, then promptly fell asleep, waking up again only around 11!
It was a similar story with swimming. Skipped the swim on Tuesday. The reason was a mix of not sleeping enough the previous night, and being busy with work during the day.
Made up for it, a bit, by going for an early morning swim on Thursday while the pool was still at 50m length. Then slacked again by missing the Friday swim (same reasons as Tuesday).
Finally, got in an easy swim today, but it had neither the pace, nor the distance. I’m just glad that Raghs dragged me out, so I got something done. (The steam room afterwards may have been a lure).
Slight fogging in the new swim glasses during today’s swim is of concern. I’m unsure if it happened because I wore them wrong, or are they already losing their effect. It was only the 3rd swim in them!
Club yoga on Tuesday was good, but Brenda couldn’t make it for Friday pilates, so it wasn’t the same. I found a couple of seats available for yoga with Katie tonight, but Raghs forbade me from attending. (I was lazy, so used her command as an excuse to not book).
Along with loads of skipped workout sessions, the week hasn’t been much good for sleeping or eating either. Got sleep of 6 hours or less most of the week. It was enough to keep me working while I was in front of the sleep, but not enough to keep me fully functioning mentally as well as physically. (That ~7 hour average in the stats is skewed by ~10 hours today and yesterday).
It’s the same story with eating. Ate too much. Ate very badly. Loads of carbs and sugar. Probably making up (emotionally) for lack of sleep and exercise.
As is to be expected, the weight has seen a nice increase this week. It’s not as big as I’d feared, but I think it still hasn’t peaked (lag effect).
At least on the step count, there’s a little success – the streak is now 3 weeks. I’m making the daily target 11K from next week. Let’s see how it goes.
Since I didn’t hit any of the targets this week, the target for next week status the same: 3 swims, 3 runs, 3 pilates/yoga, 1 spin/bike, 1 gym, 7.5+hours average sleep.
Time to put this shitty week behind. (We didn’t even get any snow!! 😭)
Things not on Garmin: volunteering at the Park run on Saturday morning, a beautiful long walk around Puttenham common with the boys on Saturday, cleaning up of my podcast subscriptions, and some good music all round 🙂
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