I’m scared

I’m scared for me. I’m going out for a longer hike today. It’s expected to be warm. Both the peaks and the final gill descent are rocky/bouldery.

I’m not sure whether I’m strong enough yet. And on the last similar long hike that I did, I ran out of water and struggled with the last descent in dehydration.

I’m scared for my boy. He’s not been well. He’s visibly sluggish. He hasn’t enjoyed the lakes like he used to. He sticks to me when he’s in this state, but I won’t be around today.

I’m scared for R. She has to manage the boy and my mom today. Mom switches between dumb and forgetful, and scheming and pigheaded. She’s a handful even when I’m around. R will have to manage her alone today. While also taking care of my boy.

Continue reading I’m scared

Five checkmark day

An easy day to let the legs recover.

Today’s walk was the Stockghyll and Blue hill round, with a short detour to pillar pike for the views.

Also went for morning and evening strolls around Rothay park. Met lots of young & hyper puppies, and a few friendly oldies.

Cooked (almost) full English for breakfast that got approving nods from R and Chewie.

Finished reading Roseanna in between.

For tomorrow’s walking, I need to decide between two options. If the legs agree, my preference is a longer, solo, multi peak walk across some of the higher hills that I know well and love. The other option is two short-medium walks. A solo morning hike up Loughrigg fell from Grasmere end, then a walk up to Easedale tarn with R&C later in the day.

Five checkmark day

Been a long time since the last 5 checkmark day, but today’s been worth the wait.

Went for an 8AM hike up Wansfell pike with Chewie. Had the whole hill to ourselves. Met a fell runner on the way up, and sole woman on the way down. The quietest ascent of this hill I’ve done.

After a lazy afternoon, went for a walk down to Waterhead to stake out swimming and kayaking locations for later in the week.

Now opening a beer and looking up routes for tomorrow’s adventures.

Lakes, mountains and hikes, just the holidays I needed.

Sidin’s 2018 resolutions…

1. Run a half-marathon
2. Blog
3. Don’t be an asshole
4. Read a lot
5. Podcast
6. Don’t be an asshole despite having read a lot
7. Learn to drive
8. Write better
9. Shave more often
10. Call home more often
11. Walk Hadrian’s Wall
12. Make new real-life friends.

Sidin, on Twitter

As new year resolution lists go, this is a really good one.

I like this even more because it makes me feel good about the number of things on that list I’ve improved on in last few months and years. Here’s some notes:
Continue reading Sidin’s 2018 resolutions…

before I’m back in the hills In these…

… before I’m back in the hills!

In these 10 days,

  • we set up an appointment for Chewie to lose parts of his manhood
  • my sister moves to the UK
  • my partner’s sisters visit us for a vacation
  • N, partner’s only girlfriend I constantly hit on, visits us

And yet, the only thing that gets my heart racing, is the thought of the hills awaiting me at end of those 10 days.

I love hills :)