In other news…

Dawn over Abu Dhabi, on the way back
Dawn over Abu Dhabi, on the way back

I returned from India

It was an unplanned trip, to attend to a family matter. Most of it was very boring. The smog kept me indoors, so couldn’t go for long walks. I’m off TV, so no time to waste there either, and I have no friends left in Karnal to go visit.

Reading was my only escape. I read Anita & Me, and Sapiens, and re-read a bit of Thinking fast and slow. Also read 3 issues of The Economist. Separately, read a 100+ articles in Instapaper.

I even had time to update the AcceleReader for Instapaper Chrome extension with a new feature, despite working on a really slow internet connection.

I met old friends

The visit did end on an exciting note though. On the evening before the flight, I met up with my friends from undergrad for dinner.

I had no clue what to expect. These were the people with whom I spent most, if not all, of my first 3 years of college. And yet I hadn’t seen, or spoken, to most of them in last 5-7 years.

I’ve long believed that friendship is just a bunch of shared experiences. Friendships are kept alive by creating these experiences, or reliving them. What sort of friendship would it be when we haven’t even met or spoken for better part of a decade, and not created shared experiences for even longer?

I’ll just say, I’ll need to revisit (refine?) my understanding of friendship a bit. Continue reading In other news…

In other news…

Clutter Free went past 10,000 users

Clutter Free went past 10,000 active users :)
Clutter Free went past 10,000 active users :)

Get it here.

I discovered some dark chocolate that I’d packed, but forgotten

Lovely surprise - Lindt dark chocolate
Lovely surprise – Lindt dark chocolate

I finished a book

Anita and Me
Anita and Me


I’m bored to death. The smog ensures that I can’t even go out for a walk. And the dry, depressing atmosphere inside the house makes it so sad that I don’t even want to speak to anyone.

The book was an escape. It got over. So, now I’ve started listening to podcasts again.

Also, bought a bluetooth speaker off Amazon, so I stream of Hindi songs on it for everyone during the day.

Planning to start work on a small update to AcceleReader for Instapaper tomorrow.

That’s all, folks!

Not a restful Sunday

It’s been a busy, tiring morning.

The day so far

Woke up at 6:30 with plans of curling up with coffee, and the book I’m reading (Anita & me, by Meera Syal).

I’ve done everything but that.

Made coffee, caught up on email, news, greader, and Instagram.
Read the Ulysses a couple more times.
Copied and pasted Ulysses here on SpkEasy.

Took Chewie for a short walk.
At turnaround point, he indicated he wasn’t ready to go back. So made it a slightly longer walk.

Returned home, freshened up, fried eggs for breakfast. Gave him his second breakfast.

Washed of dirty exercise clothes.

Emptied the dishwasher. Restacked the dishwasher. Hand washed a few of the dishes in the sink.

Mowed both the lawns. Spent as much time cleaning the mud and grass collecting around the blades, as doing the actual mowing. Had planned 40 mins. Took 1 hour 40 🙁

Now, sitting with my treat – a glass of cold, full fat milk, and a Madeleine.

Continue reading Not a restful Sunday

One of those days…

… when I got off the bed at 9AM, and the next time I sat down to rest was at 6PM.

Freshened up,
fed the boys,
made and fed myself breakfast,
coordinated Jyoti’s arrival,
went for run (part 1) with the boys,
dropped Dudley at his place,
went back for run (part 2) with Chewie,
returned and gave Chewie a shower,
picked up Dudley, and gave him a shower,
started my post run stretching,
interrupted stretching to feed the boys their lunch,
continued my post run stretching,
gave up on stretching to go pickup Jyoti,
mopped and vacuumed B’s kitchen so Jyoti could work there,
returned home to shower and shave,
went to town for lunch and coffee,
made myself proud by parking beautifully in a spot that everyone else was scared of (and it was packed in town),
had lunch at Tortilla, coffee at Nero,
researched whether to buy the 2016-17 iMac,
browsed books in Waterstones,
returned home to be told Jyoti needs coconut milk,
made a quick trip to Tesco to get coconut milk,
returned to take boys out to empty their bladders,
changed into home clothes,
changed a couple of broken bulbs around the house,
started weekly wash of exercise clothes,
poured myself a glass of cold full fat milk,
sat down to enjoy with a Madeleine.


Just another manic Saturday!

Continue reading One of those days…

Work days, workout days, both & neither

There are days when all I want to do is workout – swim, run, ride, walk. Whatever it takes to burn some energy, and get me away from staring at the screen.

There are days when all I want to do is work – just sit in front of the screen, and crack on. Something that also gives me an excuse not to go workout.

Today is one of the latter kind of days.

Continue reading Work days, workout days, both & neither

I broke myself

It felt good.

3 act Wednesday - run intervals, swim & gym
3 act Wednesday – run intervals, swim & gym

I could barely walk last night. Raghs had to drag me in from the sofa to the bed. I’m still sore, after 8 hours of good sleep.

I’m also happy. Body is clearly getting into good shape if I could still stand after doing all three activities well1 (and about 6 focused hours of work in between).

I’m happy. Hurt, and happy.

  1. Don’t judge the effort by the pace stats on the chart. It includes rest/recovery time between the intervals/laps. I don’t pause/stop the watch while resting. 

Busy afternoon.

Walk. Lunch. Work.
H+H for quick coffee, followed by short grocery trip in Tesco.
Heavy duty shopping in B&Q.
Drive home in peak hour traffic.
Clean pee on front door and back door carpets, while he does even more pee in the backyard.
Put dishes in dishwasher, and start it.
Clean rest of the dishes by hand.
Make Kong.
Write update to boss.

Tid bits

Started a new book. And abandoned it within 10 pages. It was a business book with too much ‘values & beliefs’ and barely any nitty gritty of ops and customer service (the reason I picked it).

Lost my phone. And found it within 5 minutes thanks to the new watch. Had kept the phone on a shelf in Tesco while picking something, and forgotten it there. As I moved out of bluetooth range of the phone, the watch lost its connection and buzzed with the notification – reminding me that I’d left the phone behind.

Without being a smart watch, my watch is smarter than me!

Ran a marathon. Not that a 4:36 marathon requires much running. Continue reading Tid bits