It’s 2 minutes past midnight, and everyone has already been asleep for a while. Except me.

I had a productive day. Say down to work after breakfast, and except for a late lunch, and to pick up lil R from the station, didn’t move till dinner.

Gorda and Chewie had a good day though. They went for what looked like a happy walk in the sunshine. He got to play with his neighbourhood friend, Soham, in the evening. She got to do stuff she likes to do -clean and arrange stuff, and then chat with lil R.

I was in front of a monitor almost all this time.

Now all three are deep asleep, while I plot tomorrow’s actions. Tail runner at the Guildford parkrun in the morning. Hopefully, some Eggs Benedict for breakfast later, then a few hours of work, and maybe another run in the evening.

Given that Gorda let me work in peace all day today, it seems quite likely that I’ll get none of the above tomorrow, other than the park run. Wouldn’t be a bad day either way ☺

P.S.: just about a week remaining to Brighton Marathon, for which I’m woefully under prepared. Trying to drown myself in work, love, fights and TV to keep my mind off it 😦

Gluttony & spices don’t go well together

tldr: skipped meal + spicy home food => gluttony => discomfort => finger sandwich => further unease

Thanks to an uber productive morning, both at work and run, I missed a meal yesterday. This meant that I was quite hungry by dinner time.

Mother in law was making their (Gult/Tam) version of Punjabi pooda. Almost the same as my mom’s except packed with chillies 1. Additionally, Raghs and I, sharing a plate had a ton of her chilli mint chutney with the poodas.

It was quite a yummy combination, and combined with the hunger from missed meal, it meant I had quite a few. And then some more. Literally!

Paid for it dearly.

I was walking around the house at midnight, trying to ease the discomfort in tummy and chest from *all* the food, and chilli.2

That didn’t help, so I resorted to a more drastic option – a finger sandwich :(

Did a small vomit, clearing up most of the oesophagus. Cleaned up – myself and the pot. And then, suddenly, came the involuntary puke – emptying half my stomach. Worse, some of that super hot chilli puke entered the nasal channel from behind, causing even more agony.

10 mins later, my eyes were red and bulging, nose burning, and head throbbing. Well, at least the stomach and chest were clean(er).

It’s almost 12 hours since that episode, and my nose and throat are still feeling the effects, with odd spittle of blood coming through.

And I’m feeling weaker than I have in a while, probably jeopardising today’s run.

Lesson’s learnt:

  1. don’t skip a meal
  2. don’t eat spicy grub like a glutton
  3. go for a run to move grub down, rather than use a finger sandwich

  1. She doesn’t like the frozen English red chilli we have at home, so packs them in heavy to make an impact ;) 
  2. No, it wasn’t to increase my day’s step count, and create some space between MiL and me :D 


Yesterday was a happy day.

Started with a happy morning. Not a productive one, just me swinging to DTPH songs all morning1.

Followed up with a high-energy mid-day. Ran againWorked – short, but highly productive in output. Resolved a bug in ClutterFree. Had both breakfast and lunch.

Evening was mostly about travelling to/from and attending ProductCamp London2.

Read an interesting short story on New Yorker, The Weir, on the way there and back.

Finished off the day with another short, but highly productive, bit of work.

Dropped asleep within minutes of landing in the bed, happy and tired.

Yesterday was a strange day.

Days that start so well, so high energy, usually peter out by mid-day, and end in a post-euphoria depression for me. Not yesterday. Something was different.

Saying this at the risk of this being shoved in my face for the next 20 years:

Raghi’s new daily plan, combined with daily runs, may be working.

  1. And posting random lyrics to Twitter and FB. Sorry about that! ;) 
  2. Lisa Long was amazing – in content of her talk, in its delivery, and in the Q&A. Would love to work with her some day! 

A so so day

Beach at Seven Sisters country park
Beach at Seven Sisters country park

Bad: United didn’t win, at home.
Good: United didn’t lose. At home.

Bad: in laws flinching on realising their favourite Rahman song on the car stereo is in Hindi
Good: they grit their teeth and try to survive, without complaining or commenting about it. (Also, #smallvictory for me after my house’s primary language has been turned into one I don’t get a word of)

Bad: went to a clean beach on a hot day, but I didn’t get to swim, at all!
Good: Chewie got to swim. And he swam, and swam, and swam ☺

Bad: 3+ hours to drive a 90 min drive, thanks to holiday traffic.
Good: The destination.