Two hours

That’s how much I overslept this morning due to experimentation with my alarm sounds.

I read somewhere that waking up to pleasant alarm sounds is the correct way to live. So, I gave it a shot. I changed my alarm sounds from the default alarm sound on Nexus 5 to a favourite song, American Pie.

It was nice. It was soothing. Too soothing. I woke up at 8:30, instead of 6:10 AM! :(

I missed my morning swim, and was sour/sad/angry till at least the yoga class at 11.

For tomorrow, I’ve changed the second alarm (6:00) to the regular, jarring alarm sound, while keeping the first one still as the song. Let’s see if this works.

Continue reading Two hours

Convenience trumps taste

Whey protein shaken in water trumps my berries & banana smoothie with whey protein.
Fried eggs trump scrambled eggs and omelettes.

Coffee made in clever dripper trumps coffee made in Chemex.

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Morning note…

Solar system distances
Solar system distances

I came across this image yesterday, and found it interesting and insightful.

We often focus on how big earth is, how far Mars is, how many times bigger than earth Jupiter is.

This image for me shows the real big thing…. how far everything even within the solar system is. What makes it really strike is when I see the inner 4 planets clustered around right next to the sun, and then compare the spaces between the outer 5 planets1.2

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Morning notes…

Starting with the sad.

Pal passed away last night :'(
Smiley was old, and had done a long and loving stint making the world happy. Pal was just getting started. He was young, handsome, joyous, huge, and lovely. I’m sad. Can’t even fathom how Joanne and her family are coping.

I’m missing Pal :(
So, Chewie is getting extra hugs, treats and kisses today.

Continue reading Morning notes…