The first day of summer

Lazy morning in bed reading.

Long walk with boys in the Chantries woods – my favourite running space in Guildford. Can’t run, so made it a hilly walk with the boys.

Cool shower, warm shave.

A spicy naked burrito for lunch, drowned with a free Coke zero.

A pint by the river to soak the sun, reading a saucy, spunky book in public 😉

Followed it up with an ice cream from the van, enjoyed while walking by the river – through waggy dogs, playful kids, picnicking families, and a few sunning beauties.

Finally, had a lovely cortado before the ride home, and picked up a biscotti for later.

Now, back with the boy, with cuddles, and whining, belly rubs and bum scratches.
The best bit: no vomit anywhere == the grub stayed in his tummy 🙂

Oh, and back watching the French Open. (Djoko just won his match)

Guildford parkrun snaps

I wasn’t in a very chatty mood while volunteering at the park run this weekend. So, instead, I stood in a corner and took some photos on my phone. Here’s some of them…

And, below the fold, a few gifs…

Continue reading Guildford parkrun snaps

Morning notes…

Starting with the sad.

Pal passed away last night :'(
Smiley was old, and had done a long and loving stint making the world happy. Pal was just getting started. He was young, handsome, joyous, huge, and lovely. I’m sad. Can’t even fathom how Joanne and her family are coping.

I’m missing Pal :(
So, Chewie is getting extra hugs, treats and kisses today.

Continue reading Morning notes…

One of those days…

… when I got off the bed at 9AM, and the next time I sat down to rest was at 6PM.

Freshened up,
fed the boys,
made and fed myself breakfast,
coordinated Jyoti’s arrival,
went for run (part 1) with the boys,
dropped Dudley at his place,
went back for run (part 2) with Chewie,
returned and gave Chewie a shower,
picked up Dudley, and gave him a shower,
started my post run stretching,
interrupted stretching to feed the boys their lunch,
continued my post run stretching,
gave up on stretching to go pickup Jyoti,
mopped and vacuumed B’s kitchen so Jyoti could work there,
returned home to shower and shave,
went to town for lunch and coffee,
made myself proud by parking beautifully in a spot that everyone else was scared of (and it was packed in town),
had lunch at Tortilla, coffee at Nero,
researched whether to buy the 2016-17 iMac,
browsed books in Waterstones,
returned home to be told Jyoti needs coconut milk,
made a quick trip to Tesco to get coconut milk,
returned to take boys out to empty their bladders,
changed into home clothes,
changed a couple of broken bulbs around the house,
started weekly wash of exercise clothes,
poured myself a glass of cold full fat milk,
sat down to enjoy with a Madeleine.


Just another manic Saturday!

Continue reading One of those days…