3 runs, 3 swims, 1 bike, 2 yoga sessions.
Tried something new for the second run, on Wednesday evening – joined the fitstuff running group on their weekly run. Wrote about it earlier.
Missed the park run, so went for an easy 12K to Chantry wood and back.
Swimming total is back above 6000m, without a like Sunday swim. 2100m and 2000m on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, respectively, and another 2400m on Sunday. 100m of kickboard isn’t showing in the total above.
Skipped the spinning session, instead spent 40 mins on the rollers, for the one bike session.
Attended 45 mins yoga with Emily on Tuesday, and 60 mins with Katie on Sunday. Couldn’t get a spot in Brenda’s pilates class on Friday.
Comfortably reached the step target everyday. Walked and ran lots of uphill, so the floors climbed were solid as well.
Baked my first set of banana bread with protein. It was ok. Will bake another set, probably, tonight. It’s my replacement for the Madeleines.
Achieved the week’s weight target with an average weight of 80.6kg. Maximum was 81.2 on Monday, and the minimum was 80.1 in mid week. Target for the coming week is to average under 80. It’ll be harder than the week past.
Target for the week is the same as last week – 3 swims, 3 runs, 1 bike, 3 yoga/pilates, and maybe 1 gym session. Any pace, any distance.
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