Why didn’t you reach out?

If you were having trouble solving the problem, why didn’t you reach out?

If you had money issues, why didn’t you reach out?

If you were lonely, why didn’t you reach out?

If you were scared of something, why didn’t you reach out?

If you were feeling depressed, why didn’t you reach out?

We didn’t even know that you were having so much trouble! Why didn’t you reach out?

Because there is one thing much worse than suffering alone.

It’s when you reach out and no one responds


A van, driving towards me, dangerously overtook a cyclist. I muttered a few curses at the driver, and my dormant dislike of the van drivers came shooting up.

As the driver went past, I saw his face. I know him. He’s a lovely guy, with the friendliest dog I know – a lovely border collie named Butler.

I like the guy. I hated the van driver.

I should talk to him about the incident. I will not. We don’t talk about unpleasant things in society.

He didn’t harm anyone. He’s a pleasant guy. I really love this dog.

He didn’t hurt anyone. But he could have looked someone. Some day, he might.

I should talk to him. I won’t.

I’m ashamed. I’ll get over it.

Continue reading Hypocrisy