Last week on Garmin

Sad: fever is back today morning
Happy: weight is down, just 0.4Kg from pre India minima
It was an unplanned trip, to attend to a family matter. Most of it was very boring. The smog kept me indoors, so couldn’t go for long walks. I’m off TV, so no time to waste there either, and I have no friends left in Karnal to go visit.
Reading was my only escape. I read Anita & Me, and Sapiens, and re-read a bit of Thinking fast and slow. Also read 3 issues of The Economist. Separately, read a 100+ articles in Instapaper.
I even had time to update the AcceleReader for Instapaper Chrome extension with a new feature, despite working on a really slow internet connection.
The visit did end on an exciting note though. On the evening before the flight, I met up with my friends from undergrad for dinner.
I had no clue what to expect. These were the people with whom I spent most, if not all, of my first 3 years of college. And yet I hadn’t seen, or spoken, to most of them in last 5-7 years.
I’ve long believed that friendship is just a bunch of shared experiences. Friendships are kept alive by creating these experiences, or reliving them. What sort of friendship would it be when we haven’t even met or spoken for better part of a decade, and not created shared experiences for even longer?
I’ll just say, I’ll need to revisit (refine?) my understanding of friendship a bit. Continue reading In other news…
21 Feb 2015 – The day I put a thermometer up my boy’s ass, for the first time.
Note to self:
Don’t do case interviews at 11 in the night, over Skype, when you’re already suffering from throat infection and fever.