Standing in sunshine,
watching showers in the distance,
and wondering:
Are they coming, going, or just passing by?
Standing in sunshine,
watching showers in the distance,
and wondering:
Are they coming, going, or just passing by?
It is so well contained – shows all the information that is important, and none that isn’t.
There’s a short header with logo, timestamp and my member id.
Then, right up front in the first box, it shows the book that I just borrowed, when it’s due for return, and any associated fees.
In the next box it lists the books I already have out on loan, with due dates for each1.
In the final box it shows any fees that I have outstanding. In this case it is £1.50 for two books that I had reserved (75p each).
Then there’s a concise footer reminding members that books may also be renewed/reserved online2 (how I do it), and over telephone (for digitally disinclined).
That’s all. Simple and sufficient.
Spring is definitely* my favourite season in the UK. Lots of colour, lots of freshness, lots of new lives (leaves, rabbits, dear), and the trails have not yet been taken over by nettles and thorns.
Spring > Autumn > Summer = Winter
Saw Ms. Snail crawling in the frost on the conservatory roof this morning. Wonder if she’s an early riser like the current me, or returning from a late night of hard work/partying like the old me?