The day began well, with me polishing off a few long-pending long posts in my Pocket. The walk got delayed, due to reasons coming below, but was a brisk, happy one when it came.
One of those rare days when I felt like listening to music on the walk. Not sure about what to play, just asked Google to play a random playlist of songs I like. It was fun!
Charlie (a young Vizsla), and Monty (a forever young Jack Russel) wrestling each other to get more attention from me, halfway through the walk, just added to the delight.
Rarely have I returned from a hot weather, brisk walk so energised. (The brisk bit, and the protein smoothie may have helped too)
The region of India I grew up in has a long, dry and hot summer. 2 decades of living there have trained my brain to expect (imagine) things when the weather turns warm and dry. Like today.
Thoughts of watermelon, cool water dips in tube wells & canals, hanging with friends from undergrad, cycling around with the only friend from my first school, smell of the earth.
Beautiful, torturous memories :)
Continue reading Peppy music, warm days, and the Apple invasion
“I will personally continue to advocate for equality for all people until my toes point up.”
– Tim Cook
Love that phrase, ‘until my toes point up’.
Such a sweet (to me) way of writing about death :D
Apple is a like a religion. Hmm, no wonder, too expensive and too restrictive…
@ruSh_Me on Twitter