I’m scared
I’m scared for me. I’m going out for a longer hike today. It’s expected to be warm. Both the peaks and the final gill descent are rocky/bouldery.
I’m not sure whether I’m strong enough yet. And on the last similar long hike that I did, I ran out of water and struggled with the last descent in dehydration.
I’m scared for my boy. He’s not been well. He’s visibly sluggish. He hasn’t enjoyed the lakes like he used to. He sticks to me when he’s in this state, but I won’t be around today.
I’m scared for R. She has to manage the boy and my mom today. Mom switches between dumb and forgetful, and scheming and pigheaded. She’s a handful even when I’m around. R will have to manage her alone today. While also taking care of my boy.
Continue reading I’m scaredA time..
“A time to get and a time to lose,
a time to keep and a time to cast away;
a time for love and a time to hate;
a time of war and a time of peace.”
— from Dune (The Dune Sequence Book 1) by Frank Herbert
Sunday diary
Cleaned, tightened and oiled the wooden garden bench.
Planted out a tray of alyssum.
Ate amazing pepper chicken for brunch.
Went for a swim.
Ate a full pack of triple chocolate cookies.
Slept an hour, huddled up next to the boy.
Planted the first hydrangea I got few years ago into a bigger pot (this time with ericaceous compost mixed with soil).
Planted three new hydrangeas into medium pots.
Planted two acers into bigger pots.
Ran out of ericaceous compost, so had to stop potting.
Took the kids for a short walk. Then lay in the rec for a bit, enjoying the setting sun, the chestnuts, the breeze, and the soft grass.
Went out for a quick takeaway dinner.
Now lying in the bed with R and two dogs, trying to remember what was that one thing I wanted to do before sleeping.
Like your country, make it better
“You actually have to like the country in which you live, and want to make it better, in order for the public to want to back you. Harking back to a golden age, with a wish-list of policies that are completely absurd in a modern, developed nation, is for the birds.”
—Ed Vaizey, the former minister and Tory peer
(From “Senior Tories say Trump-style takeover could precipitate party meltdown“)
Still Alice
Another book that’s earned a permanent space in my head and heart. Been a while since I read it yet, ironically, can’t forget the many things in and about it.
Klara and the sun
Some books just stick with you. I miss Klara. I miss the sun.
Four checkmark day
Finished third week of getting at least a 10K steps daily.
Took the dogs for long walks in the downs both days of the weekend. Long, slightly hilly, and entirely off road. Just the kind of walks I love. Grabbed a coffee and some quiet time at the café in the evening, and then dropped K off at Woking.
Four checkmark day
Finished second week of getting at least a 10K steps daily.
Went for a long walk with the dogs – down the downs and along the river. Went to town to grab a coffee and sit quietly at the café for an hour with a book. Then walked down and up the high street in the freezing cold. Met an old park run buddy ( Charlie) and his owner.
Now resting on the sofa, not thinking about work tomorrow. Instead, still slightly lost in the two books I finished this weekend. Both dealt with loss. One also had a lot of trail walking and outdoors.
The B key
Got myself a new, ergonomic keyboard after using the trusty magic keyboard for better part of a decade.
It’s split, curved, tented, raised, and blends better with my dark desk top.
It’s also taken a machete to my productivity! First time I used it, I entered my password wrong 4 times. Had to go back to the magic keyboard to successfully login :(
Very very glad that I only took this small step instead of the huge leap I was planning with the ZSA Moonlander.
So, what’s with the B key?