What a warm bundle does to you..

I have to leave for a vacation in 2 hours, and I haven’t been sadder in months.

I’m not happy about leaving for a long planned, much desired vacation.

The boy is snuggled tight against my chest, deep asleep. Little does the gentle soul know that his MA & Pa are heading off for 8 days without him.

The in laws are here, and he’ll be OK with them, at least after the first 48 hours. Yet, I spent last night waking up to nightmares about stuff happening to him – stuff ranging from probable to nearly impossible in real life.

I should sleep, but I can’t. Don’t want to waste a single minute of his soft, smelly, warm presence while I have it.

Bees & Balls

Successfully rescued Chewie’s balls1 without getting stung, bitten, or scratched. Had to dress like an Eskimo, in peak British summer, for 10 mins though.

Team Moi & Chewie 1 – 2 Team Bees & Nettles

Now, if only we could rescue the 3rd ball lost under the garden shed, it’ll even the score.

  1. Only the rubber play balls. The real ones were sacrificed, despite my strong objections and tears, 2 years back in the vet’s surgery :'( 

On train back out from Waterloo. Thames, Westminster, then Vauxhall outside my window. Grey blue skies.

Suddenly, I’m in a train south from Bandra. Mahim bay spread out besides. Grey blue sea. Faint smell of the sea, the fish, the Mithi crawls out of memory, through the nose, into the heart.

I miss you, Bombay.