Good day, bad day

Photo by Stage 7 Photography on Unsplash
Photo by Stage 7 Photography on Unsplash

Yesterday was the last run of the 5 easy weeks of running. It was a good day for training. The weather was lovely—cold but mostly calm. The boys were having fun—swimming in the river, chasing around the marshes and fields, and polite towards other dogs. I was happy. I ran an easy 10K with a few small hills. It was the first run in a while with no noticeable pain. I was so happy that I spent rest of the day on the sofa, and later devoured a full box of jalebis in the evening.

Today was the start of the next phase—13 hard weeks of training. The plan mileage is jumping from 24 miles last week to 38 miles this week. And the plan is moving from five easy runs a week to a combination of intervals, tempo runs, long runs, and easy runs for a total of six runs a week.

It was not a good start. I woke up in near perfect state, didn’t even feel a tinge walking down the steps. Slowly the pain made itself felt. The muscles in injured left leg started making themselves known during the warm-up and walk to the start. I ran just 4 easy miles, but the leg hurt from start to finish. By the end I could barely maintain the cadence or form.

I have stretched. I have foam rolled. I have iced. And I’m now going to apply a heat pack. All in the hope that tomorrow is better.

Because tomorrow is the first big run. 12x 400m intervals core with a total of nearly 15 Kms. If I survive tomorrow, there is hope I may survive the 13 weeks. If I don’t, then I’ll be glad that I haven’t already booked the acco in Paris.

Good day, bad day

Tomorrow is London – today was stomach butterflies day

Kit for London marathon 2018
Kit for London marathon 2018

Volunteer at parkrun, buy a running vest, stretch, light foam roll, rest, lunch, rest, rest, rest, stretch. Oh, and shit 4 times.

Continue reading “Tomorrow is London – today was stomach butterflies day”

Tomorrow is London – today was stomach butterflies day

8 days to London – run in the sun, and tiring day

Ran 12 km in the sun. It was 18°C according to the apps, but felt 20+ when not in the shade. It felt harder than it should have, and felt slower than it was. Still, very happy to have run it.

All my training has been in cooler weather. Temperature barely touched low teens on the rare hot run. It was in low-mid single digit Celsius on most runs. So, it was a good to get a feel for how body will deal with the predicted heat next Sunday. It didn’t leave me feeling too confident, but at least I know what to expect.

Apart from the run, I was able to squeeze in 3 stretching sessions as well – pre run, post run, and pre dinner. Good.

Didn’t get any foam rolling, icing, or meditation done. Bad.

Started the day with volunteering at Park run as number checker. Hopefully I did not too shabby a job. May have met R’s GP out there, without either of us knowing who the other was 🙂
Also, 4 more to go before I reach the 25 volunteerings landmark.

Family selfie at Virginia Water - everyone's tired, everyone's happy
Family selfie at Virginia Water – everyone’s tired, everyone’s happy

Took the boys for the evening walk at Virginia water. Didn’t check timings before leaving. Ended up driving longer than walking. Still, it was a happy outing for everyone, even if we had to drag R by her legs to take her along.

Meals were a Cheeseburger and fries, from 5 Guys, for lunch, and R’s dal rice for dinner. Nothing healthy, everything tasty. Just the way it should be. (May have had eggs for breakfast, and whey protein after the run, too)

Quite knackered now. Will probably sleep in tomorrow, before starting a week of early wake-ups on Monday.

Also got one last run of the week tomorrow. Just an easy 5K next week after that.

8 days to London – run in the sun, and tiring day