Volunteer at parkrun, buy a running vest, stretch, light foam roll, rest, lunch, rest, rest, rest, stretch. Oh, and shit 4 times.
Continue reading “Tomorrow is London – today was stomach butterflies day”
Volunteer at parkrun, buy a running vest, stretch, light foam roll, rest, lunch, rest, rest, rest, stretch. Oh, and shit 4 times.
Continue reading “Tomorrow is London – today was stomach butterflies day”
Walk the dogs, stretch, eat, rest, stretch, rest, walk the dogs, return Duds, run, stretch, eat.
Continue reading “2 days to London – stretching, rolling, running”
Stretch, shop, rest, rest, rest, walk dog, stretch, foam roll, rest.
Collected the number, explored the expo (many times over), collected a bunch of freebies, listened to a few talks, and returned home knackered.
A swim, a yoga session, a sports massage, and a stretching session.
Did nothing today.
Ok, went for 2 walks with boys, and stretched thrice, but nothing else. No running, no spinning, no swimming, nothing. Nada. Zilch.
It was boring.
Didn’t run today. Instead attended the usual pilates with Brenda, and went for a swim before it.
Body was knackered when I woke up. It was knackered when I dropped R off at the station. It was knackered when I returned with the hill loop walk with the boys. It was knackered before the swim, during the swim, and after the swim. It felt ok for the first half of the pilates class. It was very knackered at the end of the class. And started knackered rest of the day.
Got just one set of stretches in, apart from the ones on pilates. Did foam roll and ice the legs though.
Meals were eggs for breakfast, chicken katsu for lunch, and subway for dinner. Bribed the head with an Oreo ice cream sandwich after dinner, so it could keep on going for another few hours.
Looking forward to end of the week now.
Went for an 11 km run today. Takes the total for the week to 40k.
The left hamstring was quite tender at times through the run. Will have to take extra care of it.
Stretched twice, foam rolled once.
Wished, many times, that I could replace the foam rolling with extra running or something. It hurts!
Iced the left hamstring before sleeping.
Photo shared by peloton brave heart, @taylorphinney, on Twitter.
Image from 2012-13 Cyclocross World Championships, shared by James Huang on Twitter.