
I’ve spent most recent weekends working on a big, breaking change to some of my Chrome extensions. I even took today off from work so I could drive the work through to conclusion.

Finally at 23.00, everything was ready, tested, retested, ready to be deployed. I deployed the server side components and tested them again. Then, I packaged the extension, uploaded to the Chrome webstore developer dashboard, and submitted for review.

It usually takes about a day for the review, though sometimes it can even take up to a few weeks. So, I’m expecting the change to go live sometime late tomorrow, or maybe Monday (it’s already weekend almost everywhere). Time to sleep 😴

Instead, here I am, 45 mins later, writing to tell you that the update has been reviewed, approved, and published. Already.

How am I gonna sleep now? 😬

Because I’m happy

Woke up happy. The book last night had been good, the bed had been better than previous night, and the dream was not a negative one like usual.

Got happier. Someone donated £5.00 to the Clutter Free fund. Thanks Rami!

Got happier. Got the “You’re in” magazine from London Marathon ballot. I’ll finally be running the London marathon after 4 attempts!

And then happiest person around. Kissed and hugged and made up with mi amore. And hugged some more1 :)

  1. Though I really wanted to hug her, and kiss her last night when I was crying and laughing while reading that book. Still, better late than never :)