The easy week

Breaching the 78kg mark
Breaching the 78kg mark

After a couple of months increasing the frequency and intensity of workouts, the body was starting to show wear. So, decided to make last week the easy week.

May have made it too easy :)

The usual easy run on Monday got cancelled, and due to a mix-up, the Monday evening swim got reduced from 50 lengths to just 30 easy ones.
Tuesday’s spin class was brutal as ever.
Wednesday was completely idle.
Thursday saw an easy 5K, instead of a tempo run or a mid length bike ride.
Friday, just as easy as Wednesday – nada.
Saturday had just a tempo 5 miles with Chewie on the mount, and
Sunday had just a painful ride on the rollers after a long, gluttonous lunch at Bill’s.

So, instead of usual mileage of 25-30K runs, 60-100K road rides, 1200m+ swims, I did just 13K of running, no riding on the road, and 750m swimming. Missed working out on most days, but did come out of the week less tired than before. So, that’s a success.

Highlights of the week:

  1. Finally, after 3 weeks in 78s, broke the 78.0kg barrier and ended the week at 77.5kg. Workout like a dog for weeks, no change. Sit idle for a week, lose 1.1kg!
    Anyway, just 1.5kg to go to end of year target :)
  2. Rode one handed on the rollers1! From barely being able to stay upright, to being able to ride one-handed – it’s probably the biggest improvement in all my sporting abilities :)

Continue reading “The easy week”

The easy week

2014 – Plans & Targets

Fred Whitton Challenge

Core planned events:

  1.  IceMan 10-Mile Trail Run (25 Jan)
  2.  Wokingham Half Marathon (9 Feb) [Event cancelled due to flooding]
  3.  Surrey Half Marathon (9 Mar)
  4.  Ronde van Vlaanderen Sportive (5 Apr)
  5.  Fred Whitton Challenge Sportive (11 May) <<< Main target event for the year!
  6. ✘ Steel Man Olympic-distance Triathlon (12 July) [Haven’t been swimming for 6 months :(]
  7.  Hike Ben Nevis (26 Aug)
  8.  Richmond/Kew Half Marathon (21 Sep)
  9.  Leatherhead Sprint Duathlon (19 Oct)
  10.  Wild Man 15K Trail Run (22 Nov)
  11.  Hogs Back Run (7 Dec)

Other options:

  1. ✘ Dunwich Dynamo (12 July)
  2. ✘ Exmouth Exodus (9 Aug)
  3. ✘ Hampton Court – Kingston Bridge Swim (20 Jul)
  4.  Windermere Marathon (18 May) [Unlikely, given it’s the weekend after Fred Whitton]
  5. ✘ Hell of the Ashdowns (16 Feb) [Was in India]
  6. ✘ Marmotte Sportive (7 Jul) [Sold Out]
2014 – Plans & Targets


Bike1 Run Swim
2016: 0 km 
2015: 1612 km
2014: 1466 km
2013: 2328 km
2012: 2111 km
2011: 3796 km
2010: 2267 km
2016: 275 km 
2015: 1202 km
2014: 579 km
2013: 542 km
2012: 97 km
2016: 0 km
2015: 9.1 km
2014: 9.1 km
2013: 18 km
Plans for 2016:
  1. Run 200Km in January
  2. Wokingham Half Marathon (21 Feb)  <<< Target: sub 1 hr 40 mins
  3. MABAC Cranleigh 21 mile race (20 Mar)
  4.    Brighton Marathon (17 Apr)  <<< Target: sub 4 hrs
  5. ? 30-50 mile ultra
  6. Steel Man Olympic-distance Triathlon (July)
  7. Down tow up flow, Marlow-Windsor Half Marathon (24 July)
  8.    Berlin Marathon (25 Sep)  <<< Target: sub 3 hrs 45 mins
  9.    Hogs Back Road Race (4 Dec)  <<< Target: sub 55 mins

Continue reading “Mileage”
