The little smiles #3

We’re waiting outside the station to pick up Raghs. Suddenly, the boy’s tail starts beating rapidly. There’s a girl walking towards us. I know it’s not her, but he doesn’t. She crosses the road over to the other side. He follows her all the way across, then the tail stops. Eyes back at the gate.

Tail starts wagging again. Loudly this time. Really loud. He knows it before I do. She’s here.

Gluttony & spices don’t go well together

tldr: skipped meal + spicy home food => gluttony => discomfort => finger sandwich => further unease

Thanks to an uber productive morning, both at work and run, I missed a meal yesterday. This meant that I was quite hungry by dinner time.

Mother in law was making their (Gult/Tam) version of Punjabi pooda. Almost the same as my mom’s except packed with chillies 1. Additionally, Raghs and I, sharing a plate had a ton of her chilli mint chutney with the poodas.

It was quite a yummy combination, and combined with the hunger from missed meal, it meant I had quite a few. And then some more. Literally!

Paid for it dearly.

I was walking around the house at midnight, trying to ease the discomfort in tummy and chest from *all* the food, and chilli.2

That didn’t help, so I resorted to a more drastic option – a finger sandwich :(

Did a small vomit, clearing up most of the oesophagus. Cleaned up – myself and the pot. And then, suddenly, came the involuntary puke – emptying half my stomach. Worse, some of that super hot chilli puke entered the nasal channel from behind, causing even more agony.

10 mins later, my eyes were red and bulging, nose burning, and head throbbing. Well, at least the stomach and chest were clean(er).

It’s almost 12 hours since that episode, and my nose and throat are still feeling the effects, with odd spittle of blood coming through.

And I’m feeling weaker than I have in a while, probably jeopardising today’s run.

Lesson’s learnt:

  1. don’t skip a meal
  2. don’t eat spicy grub like a glutton
  3. go for a run to move grub down, rather than use a finger sandwich

  1. She doesn’t like the frozen English red chilli we have at home, so packs them in heavy to make an impact ;) 
  2. No, it wasn’t to increase my day’s step count, and create some space between MiL and me :D 

Presentability = fn(Personal grooming, personal fitness)

I have a relative. He’s one of the most well-groomed people I know – always immaculately dressed, shaven, clean shoes, perfumed, even a fancy car. He’s probably the unfittest person I know of my age. But that excellent grooming overcomes, if not obliterates, the lack of fitness – as far as appearance goes.

I’m probably the fittest amongst all my relatives of my generation. I also probably rank in the bottom quartile of them in personal grooming. I don’t like wearing formal suits – even for work or social events. I don’t iron my tees and jeans – just fold them out of the drier. My hair is perennially a mess. I shave twice a week, at best. One of my shoe laces got shredded in bike chain 8 months ago – I’m still to replace it. And still, despite dressing like an undergrad hosteler, I’m modestly presentable (though never attractive) – the fitness bit covering up partly for the ill-groomed bit of the personality

Then there’s the person who connects me to the relative above. She’s almost as unfit as the relative above, if not more. And she may probably be the only person I know who’s worse at personal grooming than me. This combination of lack of personal grooming and personal fitness is not attractive. It’s often repellant.

It doesn’t help that both of her families – the one that she shares with me, and the one she shares with him – have a dismissive, almost repulsive, attitude towards personal fitness. It’s worse that she seems to have picked up from me the one trait that I don’t share with rest of the family – (lack of) personal grooming.

I’ve tried nudging, inciting, incentivising her towards improving her personal fitness, to little success. I believe the other person must have tried similarly on personal grooming, to little success.

I love her, and this lack of attention to her appearance, upsets me (her lack of fitness upsets me a *lot* more).

Yet there’s nothing I’m able to do. Help! :(