Running & spinning 👍, Swimming & yoga-pilates 👎
Another good week of running. On Tuesday evening, ran an easy road 10K around Onslow in the new Altra shoes. Enjoyed the run, though the calves and feet were still hurting from Surrey Half & post-race massage. The shoes are good, though I later replaced them for a half size bigger – I have one big toe that was hitting the front of the shoe. Ran an easy 5K with the boys on Wednesday, a 10K with Chewie on Saturday, and a long, muddy, slow run on Sunday.
The long, slow run was a breakthrough. Like R pointed out, I tend to chicken out of long runs in my marathon practice. And the countryside was all snowed in with temperatures generally sub zero. Still, I was able to get the run in, and ended without any injuries or issues. Except that the last 2 miles were really hard mentally. The cushioning in the old shoes also gave up after about 5K – it didn’t matter much on muddy/snowy trails, but could really feel it on the road and gravel sections.
Second consecutive week with 50+ Km mileage.

Rode the usual spinning session with Michelle on Monday. Then went in for a second spin with Michelle on Wednesday evening. Instead rode with a substitute instructor – endurance with alternating hill and flat sections, ridden mostly in zone 3.
Missed all the swims, and both pilates and yoga sessions. Didn’t wake up early enough for morning swims. Tuesday’s yoga was cancelled, so skipped the swim before that as well. Skipped Friday’s pilates from lethargy, and the swim went with it.
Missed the steps target on Monday (recovering after the race on Sunday), but got it on target rest of the week. The daily average was a lovely 17,823 steps :)
The floor climbing streak continues :)
Weight stayed at 79.8 Kgs. High of 80.0, low of 79.6, most days at 79.8. Ate a lot, including finishing off a small tub of Oreo ice cream in a one evening. Even had beer one evening, so no drop was expected eithery
Sleep improved in one way – I got a lot more days of 7.5 to 8+ hours of sleep. Still not waking up early :(
Did meditation twice! On Friday morning and again on Sunday. Happy :)
Targets for the current week are 3 runs (~50K), 2 swims (~2K), 1 bike/spin, 2 yoga/pilates/gym sessions, 3+ meditation sessions, and average weight below 79.5 Kg.
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