Cutting edge fusion food.
Assembled from whatever was in the fridge to feed the growling post swim tummy. It was quite tasty.
Cutting edge fusion food.
Assembled from whatever was in the fridge to feed the growling post swim tummy. It was quite tasty.
… from the surgery.
Surgery went normally. He’s still under the effect of general anaesthetic, so feeling a bit groggy, and a bit pukey. We had to fast him for 12 hours before the surgery, and they gave him only a small meal afterwards. He’s starving. The GA effect means he’s unable to get up and force us to feed him. Instead, he’s just lying on the sofa softly crying… for food, for attention, for relief from the groggy feeling, and for his play time. But mainly for food.
Today has definitely not been a happy day. Not for him, and doubly not for me.
The only silver lining is that he’s back home, safe and sans-growth.