Robin: You need to get on the phone and start calling clients.
Ted: The longer I put off starting my own firm, the longer it can remain a dream, and not something I screwed up at. I mean I’m giving up before I even started.
Robin: You need to get on the phone and start calling clients.
Ted: The longer I put off starting my own firm, the longer it can remain a dream, and not something I screwed up at. I mean I’m giving up before I even started.
Dani then wrote a letter to the Argus setting out the difference between “wanting” a car and “needing” a car, a distinction that seems to elude many people …
What’s the big deal about not owning a car? It doesn’t have to be some kind of crusade. Sometimes, it’s just about weighing up the costs and benefits of car owning so as to make a more rational choice.
What’s amazing is not that there are people like Dani, but that there aren’t more people like her: people willing to take a more rational approach to car ownership. People prepared to think about the costs, think about the benefits, and then weigh up the balance. Not forgetting that crucial distinction between a need and a want.
Stephen, on Car-free in Brighton
John McCain saw 23 years of Mitt’s tax returns . . . and chose Sarah Palin as his running mate.
YvonneofNC, in comments on this post
Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it’s going to spend its life believing it’s an idiot.
Einstein (HT: Asymco)
Everyone has a right to make their own decisions.
They also have a responsibility to face the consequences of those decisions, even if they seem unfair and disproportionate.
They go together. You can’t demand one and refuse the other.
Charlie: You’re like an Alzheimer’s patient in a whorehouse.
Alan: What do you mean?
Charlie: You’re constantly surprised that you’re getting screwed, and you don’t want to pay for it
Two And A Half Men
Thought of accusing someone of taking the blue pill. Thought better. Accused them of not even earning a knock on the door.
I hope that in the afterlife we will get a chance, each of us, to say our sorries to people we have wronged. I’ll have plenty of sorries to say, believe you me.
J M Coetzee, in Summertime
What I was determined to avoid was emotional entanglement. A passing fling was one thing, an affair of the heart quite another.
J M Coetzee, in Summertime
Leslie Winkle.
Yes, Leslie Winkle. The answer to the question, ‘Who made Sheldon cry like a little girl?’