Volunteer at parkrun, buy a running vest, stretch, light foam roll, rest, lunch, rest, rest, rest, stretch. Oh, and shit 4 times.
Continue reading “Tomorrow is London – today was stomach butterflies day”
Volunteer at parkrun, buy a running vest, stretch, light foam roll, rest, lunch, rest, rest, rest, stretch. Oh, and shit 4 times.
Continue reading “Tomorrow is London – today was stomach butterflies day”
Walk the dogs, stretch, eat, rest, stretch, rest, walk the dogs, return Duds, run, stretch, eat.
Continue reading “2 days to London – stretching, rolling, running”
Stretch, shop, rest, rest, rest, walk dog, stretch, foam roll, rest.
Did nothing today.
Ok, went for 2 walks with boys, and stretched thrice, but nothing else. No running, no spinning, no swimming, nothing. Nada. Zilch.
It was boring.
Sometime last week, my left heel started aching.
Then, the post-race massage led to pain in the soleus for a couple of days. The physio did mention that my calves were very stiff.
Then, I started getting the infamous first-step heel pain in the mornings. It is the dreaded plantar fasciitis :(