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Last week on Garmin – the Surrey HM week

Garmin stats - week ending Mar 11, 2018
Garmin stats – week ending Mar 11, 2018

Second race of the year, and regression on weight loss.

It was a good week of running. Ran the second race of the year – the Surrey half marathon. Went better than the first one, but still not quite at the target pace. Not having run much in the last two weeks (post Wokingham lethargy + beast from the east), got in shape for the race by running 10Ks on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. First week this year with 50K+ of running.

The one downside of the sudden increase in running – tender calves, heel pain in left foot, and the usual left hamstring getting ever knottier! Been stretching and foam rolling this week, and need to keep it going for at least a month.

Rode the usual spinning session with Michelle on Monday. It was endurance flats – 2x 22.5min high cadence sets with no recovery throughout. It was a good session to get the legs moving after the race. I’d been feeling a bit under the weather, and even doubting going for spinning (after already cancelling morning’s run). Glad I went – came back better in health, and spirits, than before.

Did get in the two planned swims a 1100m swim before yoga on Tuesday, and another 1200m swim before pilates on Friday. Sadly, still not back to waking up early enough to go for morning swims in the 50m lengths.

Attended both the usual sessions – yoga with Emily, and pilates with Brenda Sharon.

Missed the steps target on Thursday (lazy after 3 10Ks) and Saturday (resting before the race). Despite those misses, and because of 50K+ of running, the daily average was still nearly 16K steps :)

The floor climbing streak continues :)

Weight is back up in high 79.x Kgs. Even went above 80 for a day. 2 weeks of little exercise, loads of eating, and a bit of alcohol does that to me. Oh, and a 6 pack of Oreo ice cream sandwiches.

Not happy with sleep either. Been consistently switching off morning alarms and waking up an hour ore more later, at ~7:30 (which will become 8:30 when the clocks change in 2 weeks :( )

No action happened on meditation front either. I’ve been strongly feeling the need for it, and yet been unable (unwilling?) to get down to it :'(

Targets for the current week are 3 runs (~50K), 2 swims (~2K), 1 bike/spin, 2 yoga/pilates/gym sessions, 2 meditation sessions, and average weight below 80 Kg.

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