Moping … and pissed off

Lost my much loved phone today. My beloved Nexus One … gone :'(

Retraced the whole route. Checked at every shop I visited, every place I stopped the bike and every pocket of my shorts and bag. Nowhere.

Not even sure I want another phone now. I like android but this NexusOne was too close (and expensive) to contemplate buying another phone, even the Nexus S.

Shall get back to moping now.

Ciao. :/

A mature cycling culture

Been thinking of some ideas/features on cycling forums / websites that I think are lacking. At some time the thought turned to and from there to how the cycling culture in India still isn’t mature.

See, in my book, for a place to have a thriving cycling culture it should have had vicious debates on forums and in comments on these topics:

1. Are helmets good or bad for cycling / cyclists?
2. Shimano vs Campagnolo vs SRAM components.
3. Lycra clad speedsters vs. Fixie sporting hipsters vs. Regular pannier & mudguard sporting urban cyclists.
4. Aluminium vs Steel vs Carbon vs Titanium frames.

Since I don’t see any of these debates in place on, I doubt that the cycling culture has matured yet. Wonder how long will the culture take to develop to that level, if ever.