Finished third week of getting at least a 10K steps daily.
Took the dogs for long walks in the downs both days of the weekend. Long, slightly hilly, and entirely off road. Just the kind of walks I love. Grabbed a coffee and some quiet time at the café in the evening, and then dropped K off at Woking.
I’m worried about K. Her owners are getting ready to let her go, just when she’s cementing a place in my heart. I’ll soon have to make a decision – let them let her go, or find money to make her mine. Either way, things don’t feel good for her
Also today, I felt a short pang of anxiety when I realised that tomorrow is Monday. From the day I started this job, until a few months ago, I used to eagerly look forward to Mondays. I loved Mondays! Something changed in the last few months. R thinks it’s got something to do with being alone in the new team. I think it’s also something about the people left in the core team or other teams.
Either way, it’s not a good sign that the thought of Monday causes anxiety instead of joy. I have enough sources of the former; don’t need another!