Site icon Speak Easy


I meditated. For the first time in months. It was awesome.

I completed 1000 Km of running for the year.

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Final target: A 1000 miles

I also completed 100 Km of running for August, 8th consecutive month.

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8 months of running at least 100 Km monthly; No Swimming or cycling though.

And I had Dudley with me for the day after ages. He was lovely. I’ve missed him. 😘🐕

Side notes:

  1. I was to reach the running milestones on the weekend. We know what happened to that plan.
  2. I’m still nowhere near my running target for the year—top 50 in Guildford Parkrun. It’ll take a lot of weight loss and much more training to get there. Will probably get close late in Autumn. (Though I did finish within top 50 at the Brooklands parkrun. Wonder if it counts?)
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