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Swimming, the anti-depressant

Natural water has always held the magical power to cure. Somehow or other, it transmits its own self-regenerating powers to swimmers. I can dive in with a long face and what feels like a terminal case of depression, and come out a whistling idiot.

-Roger Deakin, in “Swimming”

2010-2013 – it was cycling,
2015-2016 – it was running,
and for most of 2017, my favoured antidote to depression was swimming.

I would wake up knackered after 6 hours of sleep, and head to the pool for a pre-dawn swim. I’d go in cursing, tired, frowning, at war with the world.
An hour later, I’d come out smiling, with a spring in my step, ready to get cracking with the day.

It appears I wasn’t alone.

I felt better after leaving the pool than before getting in.

– Tim Ferriss, in Total Immersion: How I Learned to Swim Effortlessly in 10 Days and You Can Too

The pool. (Being split into two 25m halves after our morning session)
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