Run Done: Surrey Half Marathon

Surrey Half Marathon 2014 Logo

Ran my first half marathon this weekend at Surrey Half . Clocked 2:08:57 for little over 13 miles – not as bad as I’d feared, but not as good as I wanted either.

The pre-season.

I’d initially signed up to run the Wokingham Half exactly a month ago, and the prep for it had been really good. The whole winter running season had been tailored for that, with a target time of sub-2 hours. After a long, wet winter of hilly, muddy base miles, I’d run 10 mile trail runs the previous two weekends, and shorter tempo/interval runs mid-weeks. The hamstring injury from autumn had finally disappeared, as had the ITB pain that’d plagued me on the trail all winter. With a week-long taper, I was ready to hit the road in Wokingham in my best running shape for a while. Then, just 2 days before the race, it was cancelled due to flooding on the route. That darned UK weather, again!

Disappointed, but still wanting to run a half-marathon before the cycling season began, I signed up for Surrey Half, and hoped to keep the form. The only issues hanging in between were an India trip (read: lots of tasty, unhealthy food with no exercise whatsoever), and beginning of my cycling season (couldn’t postpone it any further with Ronde and Fred Whitton drawing every so closer). Nevertheless, it had to be done, and so ahead we went.

The prep.

It hadn’t been good.

While I had gathered good, quality, base miles through the winter, February had been a whitewash. There was a 10 mile run on 2nd, a couple of 15 mile hilly bike rides, two 5K tempo runs aborted after 3.5K each (once weather intervened, other time my un-fitness). So, essentially, I went into the run with a month-long taper. At least I didn’t have any injuries to cope with :)

The run.

It wasn’t half bad.

Got up early to have a bit of food – a banana, a toast with butter, half energy bar, and some energy drink and water. Rags dropped me off at Stoke park, and a bit of roaming around and warm up later, the run began.

Bright, warm & sunny - not the typical March morning in the UK
Bright, warm & sunny – not the typical March morning in the UK

It was sunny. Warm & sunny. 15°C and sunny is not weather one expects in early March in the UK. We had it. Having trained all winter in barely-single-digit temperatures with wind, rain, or both for company, this was unnatural for me. I’d been debating last two days whether to wear the tight shorts I’d been training all winter, or the baggy distance shorts I ran in the previous summer. Looking around at the start, seemed like I’d made the right choice by wearing the tight shorts. There were even people running in full tights!

3 miles in, I knew I’d made the wrong choice. Should have worn the summer running shorts, hydrated more, put some sun screen on back of the neck. Probably even carried a water bottle.

3 miles in, I was hot, and dry. I passed the first feed station, picking up a water bottle. Slowed down to a walk, swallowed down a Clif shot gel, and gulped down the water. Still, there was good news. I was averaging 8:30 min/mile, and the legs were feeling good.

6 miles in, and it got bad. The relief from water bottle at first feed station had passed, heat had picked up, and the road turned up ever so slightly (nothing I would even notice on the trail runs). I kept going – the pace suffered slightly dropping to 10:15 min/mile, but the body was suffering badly.

10K in, suffering badly but recovery’s on. Took 55:14 to finish the first 10K leg. Despite technically being on target to finish within 2 hour target, I knew that wasn’t going to happen. I needed to cool down, and hydrate if I was to finish without troubling the good folk of St. John’s Ambulance service. Snapped up 2 water bottles and a Gu gel. Half the bottle went in, then the gel, followed by another quarter of bottle in, and the final quarter on head. Walked almost half a kilometre. Carried the 2nd bottle carried along for another 1.5 miles for hydration and showering. Legs were still good, body was cooling down, water was getting into the system. Started running again. Speed was slower, but manageable – clocking around 9:30/mile.

8 miles in, and what a boost! The miles and heat of first half started catching up with the legs as I approached the 8 mile mark. It was still 2 miles to the feed station. Opposite the St. Marks church in Westfield, outside Woking, were one of the many bands en-route. As I approached them, I recognised the encouraging tune they were playing. Eye of the Tiger. Just the thing I needed. Smile back on the face, energy back in the legs, off I went again. Huge thanks to that band! (Sad I didn’t have the wits around to take a photo of them then).

9.5 miles, final feed stop done, heading to the finish. Picked up another 2 bottles, swallowed my 2nd Clif shot gel, and walked 200m. The wind had picked up so heat wasn’t as much of a problem now. Head wind was. Legs were also tiring, probably crying about the lack of running last month or so. The pace suffered a bit – just above 10 min/mile for all but the last mile.

Still sunny at the finish
The Finish.

Finish. I’d seen the route briefings but forgotten by the time I got to the finish that the finish was on the running track at the Spectrum. Gotta say, it was fun to run on the smooth, supportive track after 13 miles on the rough road. That there was a finish sign 3/4th way around the track might’ve even helped the pace. A fast last kilometre has been a trait for me on the trail runs all through winter, irrespective if it was a 5K tempo run on the Mount, or a 10 mile Ice Man in Frimley. Maybe I need to stop saving energy for a fast finish, and start consuming it over the previous miles. The last mile here, like the first mile, was sub 9 min/mile. 9:48 min/mile for the distance. Targeting sub 1:45 for Wokingham half next Feb.

Faux #sufferselfie at the finish
Faux #sufferselfie at the finish

Received the medal. Picked another 2 bottles of water. Sunned & stretched in the track green. Took a faux #sufferselfie for @blacklinelondon gang (suffering was happening between 5 & 8 mile marks, now I was fresh as a daisy). Got a quick massage, bought a £10 ‘technical’ tee, and after wandering around for a little bit, called in the pick-up.

Was slightly disappointed at not having made it under the 2-hour mark. Was super relieved at having finished without any injuries.

Was slightly disappointed at not seeing a single familiar face in the 5000+ runners or the equally large number of supporters on roads and the finish. Was quite hopeful of that changing, with Rags having picked up running over this winter. I think she’s secretly planning to run a half as well :)

My finisher medal
My finisher medal


Up Next.

With the half marathon completed, my running season is at an end. I’ll still keep running 1-2 runs a week, and might run another half marathon in autumn, but the focus now shifts completely to cycling.

It’s under 4 weeks to de Ronde sportive, and little over a month after that to the big one – the Fred Whitton challenge up in the lakes. Need to put in a lot of long rides under the belt. And a lot of climbing. In March. And then, in April, need to put in a few good long rides with lots of climbing in them. All this while fighting with, and encouraging, Rags to keep her cycling training up – she’s riding the short Ronde sportive as well this year. As big a challenge for her as the Fred is for me.

May the force be with us!

Continue reading “Run Done: Surrey Half Marathon”

Run Done: Surrey Half Marathon

2014 – Plans & Targets

Fred Whitton Challenge

Core planned events:

  1. ✔ IceMan 10-Mile Trail Run (25 Jan)
  2.  Wokingham Half Marathon (9 Feb) [Event cancelled due to flooding]
  3. ✔ Surrey Half Marathon (9 Mar)
  4. ✔ Ronde van Vlaanderen Sportive (5 Apr)
  5.  Fred Whitton Challenge Sportive (11 May) <<< Main target event for the year!
  6. ✘ Steel Man Olympic-distance Triathlon (12 July) [Haven’t been swimming for 6 months :(]
  7. ✔ Hike Ben Nevis (26 Aug)
  8. ✔ Richmond/Kew Half Marathon (21 Sep)
  9. ✔ Leatherhead Sprint Duathlon (19 Oct)
  10. ✔ Wild Man 15K Trail Run (22 Nov)
  11. ✔ Hogs Back Run (7 Dec)

Other options:

  1. ✘ Dunwich Dynamo (12 July)
  2. ✘ Exmouth Exodus (9 Aug)
  3. ✘ Hampton Court – Kingston Bridge Swim (20 Jul)
  4.  Windermere Marathon (18 May) [Unlikely, given it’s the weekend after Fred Whitton]
  5. ✘ Hell of the Ashdowns (16 Feb) [Was in India]
  6. ✘ Marmotte Sportive (7 Jul) [Sold Out]
2014 – Plans & Targets

2013, the year that I ….

Learnt to run, finished C25K, ran my first 10K, and then many more, and then first trail run with Chewie.
Learnt to swim, cranked up to 1500m a session, started swimming 10 laps a set.
Lost 15+ kgs – started the year at my heaviest, 99.8kgs, and settled in low 80s.
Planned, but didn’t attempt, a triathlon.
Got my first set of injuries in a long time – hamstring for over 3 months, then knee injury for 2 months and counting.

It was a good year.

2013, the year that I ….

Using Garmin 910XT With Ubuntu Linux (Part 1)

Garmin Forerunner 910XT

My primary (recently only) OS is Ubuntu Linux, and I’ve been struggling to set up device sync with my Garmin 910XT on Linux. Figured it out today, and thought I’d post it here for reference. (This post refers to getting the data off the device and on to the system. In 2nd post of the series, will add instructions to then upload it using Garmin Connect).

Here’s what I did:

  1. Downloaded the drivers branch of ‘Garmin Forerunner 610 Extractor’ from Github as a zip file, and extracted it to a folder on my drive. For me, this folder was at ‘~/Dropbox/Misc/GarminOnLinux/Garmin-Forerunner-610-Extractor-drivers/
  2. As suggested in the notes on Github (and included README), ran the following command to make it easy to run the sync without using sudo. Didn’t work for me, but your results may vary:

    cd Dropbox/Misc/GarminOnLinux/Garmin-Forerunner-610-Extractor-drivers/
    sudo cp resources/ant-usbstick2.rules /etc/udev/rules.d

  3. Installed pyusb. I used pip to install:

    pip install pyusb

  4. Connected the ANT+ USB stick at /dev/ttyUSB0. Inserted the USB stick, and ran the command below:

    lsusb | grep Dynastream

    This gives an output of the form like: ‘Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0fcf:1009 Dynastream Innovations, Inc.‘.
    Used the information from this output in the next command:

    sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0fcf product=0x1009

  5. Everything is now setup, so switched on the Forerunner watch, with pairing switched on. After a short wait to allow for pairing, ran the Forerunner extractor1:

    sudo python

That’s it. The final command initiated a complete download from my Forerunner 910XT, files being stored in ‘~/.config/garmin-extractor/XXXXXXX/', XXXXXXX being a number that varies from device to device.

Continue reading “Using Garmin 910XT With Ubuntu Linux (Part 1)”

Using Garmin 910XT With Ubuntu Linux (Part 1)

Disappointment. Inspiration. Optimist. Or Plain Crazy?

Earlier today went swimming only the 2nd time this month. Suffered.
Even managed to get a cramp finishing just 40 lengths.

Haven’t run in 16 days. Hate myself.
Disappointed in myself.

There was just one big target for this year – to finish a standard (Olympic) distance triathlon. After working hard for 5.5 months towards it, I’d completely slacked in last month to go completely off course, laying all that work to waste1.

My main pre-triathlon target was the Thames swim from Hampton Court palace to Kingston bridge. The event happened a week ago. I didn’t even go close.

The Tri I had planned to do is on 8th September, the Diamond triathlon, at Dorney rowing lake. After the swim today, I came to grips with reality, and accepted defeat.

Between the cramp and giving up on the triathlon target, the day had turned gloomy.

After sulking a few hours, I chanced upon Alan’s race report from his first Ironman. He’s an Outlaw!

I’m inspired again. So inspired that I can’t sleep thanks to the adrenaline rush.

And I’m planning again.

Thinking of adding an early season open water swim event to the usual Tour of Flanders, and the planned Brighton marathon. Then planning to target a tri in May or June, instead of leaving it for later in the season. And if all goes well, training rest of the year for an ironman in 2015.

How does it sound – optimist, or just crazy?

Continue reading “Disappointment. Inspiration. Optimist. Or Plain Crazy?”

Disappointment. Inspiration. Optimist. Or Plain Crazy?


Failed the brick session today. Didn’t hydrate on the bike properly, so had to cut down the run to just 5K. Pissed at my stupidity!

For someone born and brought up in a place where temperature tops 40C for months in a row every year, I’m disappointed how even high-20s heat crashes my body’s engine so spectacularly :(

Hope the heat relents next weekend. I’ve got a 125 mile ride, and really don’t want to suffer so long in 25C+ temperatures.



Bike1 Run Swim
2016: 0 km 
2015: 1612 km
2014: 1466 km
2013: 2328 km
2012: 2111 km
2011: 3796 km
2010: 2267 km
2016: 275 km 
2015: 1202 km
2014: 579 km
2013: 542 km
2012: 97 km
2016: 0 km
2015: 9.1 km
2014: 9.1 km
2013: 18 km
Plans for 2016:
  1. Run 200Km in January
  2. ✔Wokingham Half Marathon (21 Feb)  <<< Target: sub 1 hr 40 mins
  3. ✔MABAC Cranleigh 21 mile race (20 Mar)
  4.    Brighton Marathon (17 Apr)  <<< Target: sub 4 hrs
  5. ? 30-50 mile ultra
  6. Steel Man Olympic-distance Triathlon (July)
  7. Down tow up flow, Marlow-Windsor Half Marathon (24 July)
  8.    Berlin Marathon (25 Sep)  <<< Target: sub 3 hrs 45 mins
  9.    Hogs Back Road Race (4 Dec)  <<< Target: sub 55 mins

Continue reading “Mileage”
