Volunteer at parkrun, buy a running vest, stretch, light foam roll, rest, lunch, rest, rest, rest, stretch. Oh, and shit 4 times.
First rule of marathons: never wear new, untested kit. So, today I went and bought a new singlet that I’m going to run in tomorrow.
I don’t have any wearable singlets, and everything I have was feeling too hot for the predicted heat. So, I kinda had to. I did wash it, just to take the edge off a bit.
Another rule of marathons: rest before it. Today, I had 7000+ steps below we went for lunch. And this was despite me spending 2 hours before it resting. Volunteered at parkrun, then walked up and down the high street looking for a running vest. Enough for calves to start hurting.
I haven’t walked much since lunch though. Barely a 1000 steps.
Ate a lot. Lot of carbs. Toast and porridge for breakfast, burger and fries for lunch, small serving of biryani for evening snack, and sausage pasta for dinner. And of course, ORS, 2x feroglobin, Sis hydration, and peanuts, banana, a brioche, and half a bar of something. Ate. A. Lot.
As for those butterflies in the stomach, they weren’t just mental. I’ve shit four times today. And still don’t feel clear
Time to make one last effort, and then try sleeping.
- Cheap unbranded sunglasses,
- New untested Lululemon running vest,
- My oldest Brooks 2-in-1 Sherpa shorts,
- Injinji socks,
- Altra Torin shoes,
- Garmin Fenix 3 watch,
- Gu chocolate gels,
- Cheap unbranded metronome, and
- Lucozade provided pacing bands