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Swimming, the anti-depressant

Natural water has always held the magical power to cure. Somehow or other, it transmits its own self-regenerating powers to swimmers. I can dive in with a long face and what feels like a terminal case of depression, and come out a whistling idiot.

-Roger Deakin, in “Swimming”

2010-2013 – it was cycling,
2015-2016 – it was running,
and for most of 2017, my favoured antidote to depression was swimming.

I would wake up knackered after 6 hours of sleep, and head to the pool for a pre-dawn swim. I’d go in cursing, tired, frowning, at war with the world.
An hour later, I’d come out smiling, with a spring in my step, ready to get cracking with the day.

It appears I wasn’t alone.

I felt better after leaving the pool than before getting in.

– Tim Ferriss, in Total Immersion: How I Learned to Swim Effortlessly in 10 Days and You Can Too

The pool. (Being split into two 25m halves after our morning session)
The pool. (Being split into two 25m halves after our morning session)
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