It didn’t rain1.
Watched the Ronde. It’s my favourite race of the season. Niki Tepstra won, and Quickstep confirmed their dominance with 1 & 3 on the podium. My favourite was Mads Pedersen from Trek, who finished second on the podium. His was a reward for grit. Just refused to give up.
We went for a walk in Puttenham common. It was nice to be out in a different area – fresh air, open countryside, and no rain. One last walk with just Chewie before Duds arrived.

Duds arrived, and we had a good evening together. They chewed chews, played, hugged me and slept, went for a walk, had dinner, had Kong, and are now snoring away.
One downside is that there’s now two different fart scents I’ve to suffer 🙁
I went to town for dinner. Just a burger at 5 Guys, but at least I got out of the house.
Still no running or meditating.
Only saw one episode of Grey’s anatomy. Saw War Horse. It was ok, but not worthy of all the hype around it. Felt like they were just filming a play, instead of adapting it for screen.
The book got to the good part of the story.
Thinking of giving the scotch a break tonight. Might just have some milk instead.
May have coffee tomorrow morning if I wake up early enough. Duds is an early waker, so I’m hoping he wakes me up too.
- It’s raining now, though, and we have a yellow warning for run ask through the night and morning. ↩