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Brief summary of what topics dominate my twitter timeline

Brief summary of what topics dominate my twitter timeline (in order of decreasing frequency)

On @adityabhaskar :

  1. Tech news
  2. Tech (mostly startup ecosystem) gossip
  3. Apple & Google bashing
  4. Real/Useful tech & startup articles

On @middlering:

  1. Cycling news of the day (Pro as well as UK cycle campaigning)
  2. Cyclist-hater outrage of the day
  3. BLL members encouraging/baiting each other
  4. Pro Cyclists’ tweets, both good and bad

On pseudonym twitter account:

  1. Outrage of the day
  2. twitterer gossip
  3. news from India

On pseudonym cycling account:

  1. ProCycling news of the day
  2. Discussion of said news
  3. Lance / Schleck hatred

Funnily, never thought about these while I was regularly reading Twitter. But, a few days of enforced absence reminded me of them in a very precise manner :)

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