Under pressure, you don’t rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training. Why we train so hard.
Heard from a Navy seal, by @allenmorgan.
Under pressure, you don’t rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training. Why we train so hard.
Heard from a Navy seal, by @allenmorgan.
Until connecting cyclists up to the grid can solve the world energy crisis, the turbo will remain uncool. Suck it up and get out.
@MTFU_Training, on Twitter
Headwinds: Taking the fun out of cycling since time began.
– Colin Lynch (aka @TTWorldChamp)
“Taking space away from cars – by reducing car parking and shrinking roads – is more important than providing bikeways, sidewalks or transit facilities, if we expect more people to walk, bike and use transit. Taking away car space slows traffic, reduces pedestrian crossing distances, and creates a more pleasant, human-scaled environment that is conducive and welcoming to pedestrians, bicyclists and transit users.”
Michael Ronkin
Via Stephen. His blog is a must read if you’re interested in a post-car urban living model.
I cycle 200 mile a week.. If my abs where like my leg muscles I’d have a six-pack !!
To all the cyclists who dream of one day riding #TourdeFrance, be warned. It hurts. A lot.
Mark Cavendish, winner of 21 stages in Le Tour.
It’s almost worth learning French just to read L’Equipe in July
INRNG, on Twitter
Tailwinds build ego. Headwinds build character.
Mark Jacoby, via @RoadID
Adding lanes to solve traffic congestion is like loosening your belt to solve obesity.
Glen Hemistra
via Stephen
The idea of being so gloriously fast, fit and dedicated to my sport, that I might suddenly drop dead from heart-failure on a deserted mountain pass somewhere in the back of beyond appeals to me enormously.
Of all the ways to break down, this is one of the better ones available.
BigDummy in comments here