TIL: How to publish an Android library with github+jitpack

Key steps I was missing:

  1. Ensure that the repository root has a settings.gradle file with a line referring to the library:
    include ':customcomponents'
  2. Add apply plugin: 'com.android.library'​ at the top of the library’s build.gradle file.
  3. Add group, version and base name to library’s build.gradle file:
    group = "com.github.adityabhaskar"
    version = android.defaultConfig.versionName
    archivesBaseName = 'customcomponents'
  4. Push to Github. Preferably, give it a version tag.
  5. Open jitpack.io. Connect to Github. Select library
    • If using a free account, the github repository needs to be public/OSS.
  6. Select a commit, or a branch snapshot and click on ‘Get it’. Build process will start in the background. If all goes well, the library will be available to use in projects.

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Javascript class methods

My understanding of javascript object methods (pre-ES6) from Douglas Crockford’s post.


Can’t access private members of the object

Anything created with this.xyz inside the constructor, or

Any methods added by MyObject.prototype.myMethod outside the constructor.


Not accessible from outside the object definition (e.g. as myObj.myMethod())

Any variables or functions created inside the constructor with var or function abc(){...}.


(I.e. publicly accessible, but can access private members)1

Methods declared with this.myMethod = function()... inside the constructor.

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