The Rockstar Weekend

Learnt more, importantly more practical stuff, about ajax, xhr and how to use it within Google App Engine from this post. Then went about restructuring (refactoring?) the code on both sides – client & server – to enable it. Didn’t require much work on the server-side. During the previous round of restructuring, I’d enabled single url calling with a sorter function spreading requests to relevant functions. That helped since I’m now just calling the same function for xhr calls and returning the results as a JSON, instead of a formatted HTML page.

On the client side, had to redo nearly the whole code again. The main HTML is now just a plain page with a header and a body div. Everything is written into it by js functions. This has meant I can’t use the powerful django templates on server-side to generate that html. And that’s a pain. Still thinking if I should just give up and instead of returning the JSON objects, return the formatted html code for relevant div in response. Might try it too and then decide on the outcome based on whichever approach works faster and lighter. Anyway, using the xhr-JSON method, have already got the GET functions to work. The two POST functions are still standing out. Was working on them when Rags woke up and interrupted my work day. Still, glad that I woke up at 4 and immediately got to work. Gave me 6-7 hours clean before she decided to rock my day.

The rest of weekend was almost wasted in work terms. Saw Rockstar, the hindi movie, in the evening. Loved it. Then met JD&R for dinner in Chinatown. Came home and, after briefly checking G+, twitter & techmeme, dropped dead on the bed.

Today’s been uber-lazy. Woke up at 12 after 11 hours of sleep but got out of bed another 90 mins later. That too when Rags brutally pushed me outta bed. Spent the rest of day watching F1, listening to Rockstar OST over and over again, and reading articles over at gigaom and businessinsider. Researched the biggest player in CldNts industry right now. Followed their founder CEO on twitter. Also followed Naval Ravikant, the angellist founder, on twitter. Fella seems interesting. Finally read a businessinsider story on Ron Conway. Scary.