Photo from Twitter. Can’t find exact source.
Photo shared by @IBikeLDN on Twitter
Image shared by @MarkyDay on Twitter.
Photo shared by @supercyclingman on Twitter. Originally by @artistonabike, I think.
Pain is nothing compared to what it feels like to quit.
Photo shared by @giroditalia on Twitter
Photo via the crew behind @30daysofbiking on Twitter.
If there’s something holding you back from getting on that bike regularly, why not join us for this 30 day challenge in April. All inhibitions and shackles will just melt away, and soon you’ll refuse to be away from those two wheels ;)
For all motorists, but also importantly for all us cyclists: *Share The Road*
The motorist doesn’t own it, and the cyclist belongs on it. Road tax is a myth, a lie. Share the road with the cyclists. Give them space (at least 1 metre gap when passing), safety (look specifically for them when turning or changing lanes) and respect (don’t honk or rev just because they’re on the road so you have to go slow).
The cyclist needn’t be too uptight about his right to be on the road. The right is to use the road, not to abuse it. Road rules, and norms, apply to us as much as to others. Red light means all stop – not just motorists. Let’s respect it and live longer. Share the roads and respect the motorists without being meek, or stubborn.