It crashed

I just did a dance because my app crashed!

Only developers would understand this—the joy in successfully reproducing a reported bug :)

Now that I’ve reproduced it, I can get down to fixing it. Success!


Just got the 1st cut of ConvertIt extension working in the browser. Nothing spectacular, doesn’t even filter anything yet, still it’s a source of joy bounding on exhilaration. Joy of seeing it in action :)

Now on with the hard work of actually getting it to do something useful.

Posted from WordPress for Android

Yesss! Just got the localStorage and cached application to work offline for the first time!

Now, to do that with real data, and extend beyond the listAll function.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yessssssss! Ahh.. the joy of a overcoming a tiny, but hugely irritating hurdle. Like that piece of chicken stuck between teeth.

Just got the Closure template working to do a listAll, after a day and half of struggling :)