That’s how it’s been since spring, my favourite activity period, ended and a sordid (though beautiful) summer started.
Finished Ronde in better time than last year, despite getting beaten by @julykatrae to the line. Up.
Moved my Fred Whitton entry to 2015 after stumbling badly on the logistics bit. Down.
Didn’t go for a ride, apart from commutes, for almost 3 months. Down.
Gained almost 4 kilos, almost all around the waist. Down.
Running re-started well in late April, building up to consecutive weekends of 13 mile+ runs in late June. Up.
Running mileage reached 100km in June, a best for me. Up.
Might’ve increased the mileage too fast. Got a nasty ITB injury in left knee, and old left hamstring injury cropped up again. Down.
Almost zero running in 2nd half of July. Down.
Returned to lycra-clad bike riding with 3 consecutive brick sessions. Up.
Avg speeds, climbing speeds have improved despite the break. Up.
Returned to the pool, after 8 months, with two swims in 3 days. Up.
All parts of the upper torso hurting after just 2 swims. Bad, yet good!
Successful, swim-run brick involving uphill run from home to pool. Up.
Now, looking forward to 2 weeks of hiking in Scotland coming up. Quite scared of it, actually. The munros are higher, and steeper than our usual hills in Lake District. And we’ve both been concentrating on running and cycling this year, so climbing legs may not be there.
A bit concerned about how my 2yo Chewie might take the longer, steeper hikes. Though, I think he may come back from them fresher than we would :) :(