Royalty & Politicians

In Netherlands, crowned-for-life monarchs step down when they feel new blood is required.

In UK, monarchs serve for life but politicians retire when it’s time for new blood.

In India, politicians rule their fiefs (states, parties, constituencies) like monarchs. They rule for life, long after they’ve become prehistoric relics and a drag on their own legacies. And when they finally go, they pass on their fiefs to their frequently inept heirs, biological or ideological.

People voluntarily hand over the most intimate details…

People voluntarily hand over the most intimate details of their life to Facebook, Twitter and Google so these firms can sell them to advertisers.

Then they go and protest against the UID for gathering personal information to try and help them.

Lesson: Government should promise to start selling all UID information to advertisers in exchange for klout score and daily deals. People will rush to register themselves!