Farewell Note

I have been thinking since the last few times we met; our time is in past. We have some excellent memories of times together, but share few, if any, interests any more, and are at very different stages in family life. Our view points about how to live life are now very different, as are our plans for the future.

It’s time to move on. Apart.

Let’s archive the fond memories, lest they be spoilt by more recent ones, and move on with our lives, away from each other.

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Oil, Islam, Addiction.

It’s not a battle between Islam and Christianity, or Islam and rest of the world, but a battle for the soul, and control, of Islam.

The scary bit is that the bad guys are backed by limitless amounts of money. Worse bit is that this money comes from us, from our addiction to oil.

And that is why it’s an addiction. We know it’s bad – bad for our health, bad for the environment and bad because that money supports the very people intent on driving Islam, and rest of us, back to the middle ages. Yet, we are powerless to do anything about it.

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