Clutter Free crossed 2000 WAUs

Clutter Free for Chrome
Clutter Free for Chrome

Clutter Free, my favourite Chrome project, crossed 2000 weekly active users today – a year and 17 days since the first alpha version was uploaded on to the Chrome web store.

It’s my favourite because of its minimalism –

  • single purpose (prevent duplicate tabs),
  • bare minimum UI (a browser button to switch it off/on),
  • a single background script that does all the work

The users seem to agree. It has the highest average rating of all my projects (excluding the recent AcceleReader for Pocket which has less than a 10th of the users), and the reviews are overwhelmingly positive (except the one that’s confusing me).

The journey to 2000
The journey to 2000

The growth so far has been all organic – an indicator that there’s a need for this functionality natively in Chrome, like in Firefox. And a bigger indicator of how lazy/miserly I have been about promoting it.

Here’s to the next 10x, hoping I can keep it simple and growing.