From a bundle of features

Current stack

Current stack

Jetpack is a bundle of useful features (CDN, UI) and other Automattic products (Vaultpress & Akismet). But it doesn’t deliver the full experience. Nor does it include a key Automattic product—WooCommerce.

This makes Jetpack feel like a good but incomplete solution. It also leaves out the opportunity of bringing together all Automattic products to users in a single, coherent solution.

To a single, consistent ‘Automattic layer’

Suggested stack

Suggested stack

  1. Make Jetpack an interface to all Automattic products for users
  2. Make Jetpack the application layer for


Because it can bring the full “Automattic experience” to all WordPress users.
Because it can be a unifying layer for various Automattic products.
Because it ought to be Automattic what early AWS was to


Jetpack, the Automattic experience

Integrate all relevant Automattic products—WooCommerce, Crowdsignal, Akismet, Happy Schedule, more1—through the Jetpack interface. Give Jetpack users a single, consistent, rapidly improving interface for all Automattic products.

Help users access and manage the various Automattic products coherently from a single plugin, with fewer external dependencies or security risks, and with a single point of billing and support.

Help Automattic in bringing all products in front of the users—for use, for cross-sell, and for data-analytics.

Jetpack, the application layer

Jetpack should encapsulate all functionality that is not a part of WordPress core.

All feature should be available between Jetpack APIs and the core WordPress APIs. = WordPress + Jetpack

Use the Jetpack APIs, instead of individual product APIs, to integrate other Automattic products into

Starting points

I prefer starting small. We could start by requiring that all custom updates to—upgrades, fixes, features—must be via Jetpack.

This action will slow down the pace of development. It may also cause dissonance within some team. But, it will put the impetus on both the and Jetpack teams to align to the new product stack.

Organisationally, this would need a common leader for the Jetpack and teams. The leader will have charge of a successful transition to the new model.

In parallel, the Jetpack team may start integrating other Automattic products. Then provide access to these products through the Jetpack API. (I would suggest starting with WooCommerce.)

Next step would be transitioning rest of custom code into Jetpack, and field testing the transition with both and self-hosted users.

All opinion notes:

  1. We need to do something about the Reader
  2. Jetpack: the Automattic experience for WordPress
  3.—a hosted, tightly-integrated version of WooCommerce
  4. Woo Two — More ideas for WooCommerce
  5. Earn with WordPress
  6. Pricing—more and less
  7. TBC: A publishing platform for today’s content formats

  1. Premium subscriptions, email newsletters, podcasts & more covered in an upcoming update.